Saturday 25 February 2012

Basic Facts Practice

A few parents asked me for some fun games that Room 6 children could play on the computer at home for homework to help them to learn basic facts.  I have attached a link below.  It is called "Maths Games" and I have also put it in our favourite websites to click on.  When you get to the home page, click on adding games and you will find lots of different adding activities.

Class Award Week 4

Well done to Kacee who received the Room 6 class award this week.  Kacee completes his work to a high standard and stays focussed on the task at hand.  He also has beautiful manners.  Well done Kacee :)

Safe Cycling

On Friday we had safe cycling with Constable Garland.  Mrs Trolle was so impressed by the way that everyone in Room 6 gave cycling a go.  It was a very tiring morning, but we all had fun.  We learnt how to use our "Go" pedal to start cycling and how to stop quickly for emergencies.  We tried riding over a tricky obstacle course and finished with a relay race.  Thank you to the parents/caregivers that helped out on the day :)

Mars Bar Slice

Reading groups in our class are going to be cooking each week or fortnight.  Thank you Angela (Craig's mum) for helping us to do this :).  There are 2 good reasons for doing cooking: it helps our reading skills and it will teach us some basic life skills (like cutting, peeling, chopping).  When each group has made their recipe and cleaned up, they come back and share their goodies with us . . . yum!
During week 4 Craig, Nardia, Sophie, Dilynn and Andrea made Mars Bar slice for us.  It was a treat food and was easy to make.  Thanks guys!

Friday 17 February 2012

Class Award Week 3

Chelsey won the class award this week. Although Chelsey was not at school today, she was recognised for her confidence and "can do" attitude that she is displaying this year in Room 6. She says a quick goodbye to her mum in the mornings and gets busy in our classroom. Well done Chelsey!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Things We Are Good At

In Room 6 we are learning all about each other.  We all have different strengths and we would like to share them with each other this year.  If we work together as a team, we will achieve great things!  Watch this photo slideshow made by the children in Room 6 and see if you can guess what each person is good at (clues: running, drawing, writing, helping others who are hurt, spelling, building and working on the computer). 

Star Student Week 2

Dilynn was given the class certificate during week 2 for Room 6.  Dilynn has made a great start in our room.  She follows instructions correctly and completes her work to a high standard.  She stays on task and helps others.  Well done Dilynn!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Puppet Show

On Friday Andrea, Dilynn and Sophie Rose showed us a funny puppet show!  They made it up themselves using the box of puppets we have in Room 6.  They used an old curtain on a table for their screen.  We all laughed lots and now other people in our room want to have a go.

Thursday 2 February 2012

We Survived Day 1

What a great first day Room 6!  I can see we will have a lot of fun and laughs this year in Room 6.  We all felt a bit nervous to start with, but as you can see from the photos, soon relaxed and felt at home :)
Our new students, Vannary and Charlotte had a great day!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

A Challenge for Fun!

Hi Room 6 kids!  Here is a wee challenge for you to try and complete for fun.  I have attached a link for you to click on called "Three Things I Would Like My New Teacher to Know about Me".  You need to find your name and click on the page to write 3 things you would like me to know about you.  You will need to press the 'save now' button on the right hand side before you close this page. When we are all finished, I will publish it as a slideshow on our blog.  Good luck!  Mrs Trolle'
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