Thursday 6 December 2012

School Picnic

We had our school picnic at Rabbit Island on Friday.  We had sun and showers but most kids said they had fun and enjoyed the adventure.  We had a lovely time at the beach digging holes, playing cricket and making huts.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Save the Planet Song

Our class is learning the Kath Bee song "Save the Planet" for our end of year performance.  This is the song we have chosen to model our recycled hats to.  Watch the uTube clip below and practice singing it :)

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Rufus and the Rain

Yesterday we had Mark and Brenda visit us at Birchwood School.  Mark wrote the story "Rufus and the Rain".  Mark and Brenda were wonderful musicians and played the mandolin and guitar to us.  We all enjoyed listening to the story :)  Click on the link below the photo to listen to the story on Utube.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Bring your Recycled Items to School

Room 6 have now finished making our papier mache hats.  We are now going to paint them and attach our recycled items to decorate them.

Room 6 here are some ideas of recycled items you could attach to your hat . . .

Buttons, material, bottle top lids, old CDs, plastic bags, wool (pom poms), wrappers, old wrapping paper, old cards, etc.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Recycled Hats

We have started to make our recycled hats for the end of year performance "What a Load of Rubbish".
We have drawn designs to show what our hats will look like in our topic books.  We have all chosen different kinds of hats (helmets, caps, beanies, sunhats, cowboy hats, princess hats, top hats).

On Thursday we put gladwrap over some $2 shop hats and began to cover them with papier mache.  The gladwrap will stop the newspaper from sticking to the hat.  When they are dry we should have a newspaper mould of a hat that we can then attach recycled items to.

The kids in Room 6 now need to start collecting the recycled items they would like to attach to their hats (buttons, plastic milk bottle lids, plastic bags, wrappers, material, wool, etc).

Thursday 25 October 2012

Monday with Mrs Weston

Hi Room 6
On Monday morning you will have Mrs Weston until lunch time.  When you have your turn on the COW laptops you need to:

1. Check out what's on this week (listen to the Voki and click on Week 3).

2. Play "Maths Magician" (click on the first link under Websites we Visit).

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Cricket Skills

Today we had Darrius and Connor come and teach us some cricket skills.  We practised fielding, bowling, batting and catching.  We played a game of cricket using our skills at the end.  We were given a pack of goodies and an information sheet about how we can join a cricket team.

Nude Food Day

Today was National Nude Food Day in New Zealand.  We are trying to encourage people to use less wrappings (eg. glad wrap) on their food so that we cut down the amount of rubbish that goes to landfills.  Lots of children in Room 6 brought their lunch to school in re-usable containers.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Welcome back to Term 4

Hi Room 6,

I hope you have all had a relaxing break and are ready to begin our last term :)  This term is 9 weeks and two days long, so it will go very fast!  We have lots of things planned including cricket skills, athletics, an end of year concert and Christmas activities.

Our next topic is called "Trash to Treasure" and is linked to our last topic "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".  Oscar the Grouch is going to help us present our end of year concert with the junior and middle school "What a Load of Rubbish!"

See you all soon . . . from Mrs Trolle x

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Medal Test

Yesterday Meg and Dilynn completed their silver medal in their dance exams.  They were both very proud of themselves.  They danced together.  Next year they will try for their gold medal.  Great work girls!

Monday 17 September 2012

Book Fair

Clifford the Dog paid us a visit today after lunch.  He came to tell us to D.E.A.R (Drop everything and Read).  We are all enjoying the school book fair.  All the books will be on sale until Friday afternoon.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Recycled Art

Room 6 needs clean 2L plastic milk bottles (2 per student) and plastic shopping bags (5 per student) for some art work we are making this week.  We will post photos of our beautiful recycled art projects!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Swimming finishes . . . tennis begins!

On Monday we begin our tennis programme.  We will have a session each Monday for 4 weeks with Suzanne.  Could any children who still need to pay the $5 for this programme, please give the money to Mrs Trolle as soon as possible?

Thursday 16 August 2012

Giant Snail Exhibition

On Thursday morning at 9.30 am we are going to the Nelson Museum to see the Giant Snail exhibition.
It will be interesting to see the large native snails we have in New Zealand and to find out how we can protect them.  Thank you to all of the parents and caregivers who have offered transport.  Mrs T will be in contact to confirm the transport early next week.

Marshmallows and Toothpicks

Today Room 6 used marshmallows and toothpicks to create some geometric structures for maths.  We found that triangles were the strongest shape to use in our designs.  Some people made houses, some made cubes and pyramids.

Our favourite part was eating our structures at the end!

Thursday 9 August 2012

Maths Week

This week is Maths week.  Around NZ lots of students will be involved in solving maths problems and having fun with numbers.  We will be posting photos and stories about what Room 6 do during maths week.  Here is a link to the Maths Week website.  There are games and activities you may wish to try . . .

Sunday 5 August 2012

Poorman's Stream Slideshow

Room 6 really enjoyed their trip to Poorman's Stream.  Here is a slideshow that we showed in assembly on Friday that explains what we did.  Thank you to Kimberly for providing the commentary :)  This slideshow is best viewed small.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Olympic Games

If you want to keep up with New Zealand's progress at the Olympic games, you can click on the website below for up to date news stories.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Times Tables Games

This term we are working on learning our times tables for maths.  We are starting with our 2, 5 and 10 times tables as they are the easiest.  If you want to have fun practising your tables at home, here is a link to some online games.  Grand Prix is fast and lots of fun!

Wednesday 18 July 2012


Room 6 is reading our last Roald Dahl book "The BFG".  We are halfway through and really enjoying it.  Here is a link to the movie if you want to watch it.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Have a safe holiday!

Dear Room 6.  I hope you have a lovely week with Mrs Weston.  I wish you all a safe and happy holiday break.  See you again in term 3.
From Mrs T

Thursday 14 June 2012

School Disco

Fun disco last night!  Everyone looked great in their ABC costumes.  Apparently over 200 children attended!!  Here are some snapshots from last night . . .

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Natureland Visit

Wow!  We sure had a great visit to Natureland today :)  Thank you to Pip our official photographer for the wonderful photos below.  Christine was an amazing teacher and we all came back buzzing with information about life cycles.  It was a great way to finish our Circle of Life topic for the term.
We finished with lunch at the park and a play on the Tahunanui playground . . . FUN!!!

JayJay with the Emu egg
Porcupine eating his morning tea

Meerkat looking for danger
Dazzling peacock

Kotuku eating fish

Baby mice bred for other animals to eat

Connor and Mrs T looking at a crocodile mouth

Noah and Tyler looking at a stoat

Meg, Katelyn and Kimberly looking at the stoat and a trapdoor spider

CJ the monkey eating lunch

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